Posts in: Sustainability

CAAD Futures 2023

CAAD Futures 2023 Conference 5.–7. July 2023, TU Delft Dominik Reisach: “A Design-to-Fabrication Workflow for Free-Form Timber Structures using Offcuts”Presentation of the paper in Session 6 – Digital Design, Materials and Fabrication7. July 2023 About CAAD Futures: CAAD Futures ( is a biannual international conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design. CAAD Futures is profiled for advancing […]

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Bridging the gap Research activities of the Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation focus on a wide variety of building stocks and technologies as well as design and manufacturing processes. Older and younger (as well as very young) objects along with structurally outstanding engineering structures are investigated. Their (potential) value as monuments as well as […]

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(RE)USE GAME Nominierung bei den Swiss Game Awards 2022 in der Kategorie Serious Game. Die Award Night während der Games Week Zürich findet am 11. November statt. Kontakt: Fabian KastnerKooperationspartner: Game Technology Center, (Stéphane Magnenat und Aydin Faraji), Professur für Nachhaltiges Bauen, ETH Zürich In der Schweiz fordern direkt-demokratische Abstimmungsprozesse informierte Bürger*Innen. In der öffentlichen Diskussion […]

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Sustainability and Preservation

Environmental Sustainability and Building Preservation: Exploring Strategies for Interdisciplinary Dissemination in Higher Education and Beyond Doctoral Candidate: Fabian KastnerCo-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert, Chair of Sustainable Construction, ETH Zurich This research projects investigates the role of dissemination tools, especially educational games, in the context of sustainability strategies for building transformations. The work is developed in […]

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