Posts in: Computational Design

CAAD Futures 2023

CAAD Futures 2023 Conference 5.–7. July 2023, TU Delft Dominik Reisach: “A Design-to-Fabrication Workflow for Free-Form Timber Structures using Offcuts”Presentation of the paper in Session 6 – Digital Design, Materials and Fabrication7. July 2023 About CAAD Futures: CAAD Futures ( is a biannual international conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design. CAAD Futures is profiled for advancing […]

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Repurposing Marble Waste

Repurposing of Waste Marble Slabs for Architectural Finishes Doctoral Candidate: Dominik ReisachCo-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dillenburger, Digital Building Technologies, ETH Zurich This research explores methods for repurposing discarded materials from the marble quarrying and processing industry in Europe. A representative material with several varieties and distinct aesthetic qualities, marble has been employed in the construction […]

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Schatzalp Balustrades

Schatzalp Balustrades Kontakt: Fabian KastnerKooperationspartner: Gramazio Kohler Research, Hotel Schatzalp Davos Das Projekt befasst sich mit dem Entwurf, der Planung und der Ausführung von neuen Geländerelementen für das Hotel Schatzalp in Davos, Schweiz. Das Hotel und ehemalige Sanatorium ist eines der ersten grossen Eisenbetonbauten der Schweiz und auch international bekannt. Die bestehenden Holzgeländer sind teilweise in schlechtem Zustand und […]

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Fabricate 2014: Negotiating Design & Making

Fabricate 2014: Negotiating Design & Making Gramazio, Fabio, Matthias Kohler, and Silke Langenberg, eds. 2017. Fabricate 2014: Negotiating Design & Making. London: UCL Press. FABRICATE is an international peer reviewed conference that takes place every three years with a supporting publication on the theme of Digital Fabrication. Discussing the progressive integration of digital design […]

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