How to Build? On the Handling of Existing and Newly Constructed Buildings.

Silke Langenberg, How to build? On the Handling of Existing and Newly Constructed Buildings, in: Hess, Regine, Inbal Ben-Asher Gitler, Tzafrir Fainholtz, und Yael Allweil, Hrsg. 2024. Between Conventional and Experimental: Mass Housing and Prefabrication in Modernist Architecture. Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Der im Peer Review Verfahren begutachtete Sammelband erscheint im Sommer 2024 als Open Access Publikation.

Mit Beiträgen von Mia Åkerfelt (Åbo Akademi University, Turku), Yael Allweil (Technion Israel Institute of Technology), Inbal Ben Asher-Gitler (Sapir Academic College, Ashkelon/ Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Scheva), Angelo Bertolazzi (University of Padua), Tamara Bjažić Klarin (University of Zagreb), Tzafrir Fainholtz (Technion Israel Institute of Technology), Alberto Franchini (Technical University Munich/Polytechnic University of Milan), Ilaria Giannetti (Sapienza, University of Rome), Regine Hess (ETH Zurich), Silke Langenberg (ETH Zurich), Daphna Levine (Technion Israel Institute of Technology), Stefania Mornati (Sapienza, University of Rome), Uta Pottgiesser (TU Delft), Maryia Rusak (Oslo School of Architecture and Design), Liat Savin Ben Shoshan (Technion Israel Institute of Technology), Maria Tassopoulou (Technical University of Athens), Anna Wilczyńska (Estonian University of Life Sciences/ Warsaw University of Life Sciences).