Nina Irmert


Research Areas

Cultural Heritage and Preservation, Architectural History of the 20th Century, Architectural Patents, History of Industrialized Materials and Building Products

Curriculum Vitae

Since October 2022, Nina is a research assistant at the Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation and a doctoral student in the SNSF-funded project Architecture & Patent. The Buildings of the ETH Domain”. In 2019, she finished her master’s degree in architectural history and preservation at the Technical University of Berlin with a master’s thesis on the first prefabricated GDR-watchtower designed for the Berlin Wall. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and cultural anthropology from Humboldt University Berlin and has worked for the City Preservation Office of Tel Aviv and in various preservation projects. From 2018 to 2020 she was a research assistant at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin and Yeha, Ethiopia. From 2020 to 2022 Nina worked for an architectural office on the preservation concepts of listed warehouses in the port of Hamburg and the listed housing complex “High-Deck-Siedlung” in Berlin.

Doctoral project